The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149910   Message #3490928
Posted By: olddude
15-Mar-13 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Francis
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Francis
ya know what the Catholic hating shit is getting old here. very old. Nobody forces you to like or believe anything (which is pretty evident by these non stop hate threads)

ME i believe in fixing things that are broken, Thats why I carry a 70 year old watch and drive a 15 year old car. Maybe this guy is the guy to fix what is broken, However ya won't wait and see cause well ya got your hate to keep ya going.

How about filling in the blanks then
all Catholic are ___

all blacks are ___
all Jews are ___

all Mexican's are ___

there would be people crawling out of the woodwork should someone say anything like that, but bash a person of faith .. that is perfectly ok right ..

fuck it talking to the wall