The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149910   Message #3490931
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Mar-13 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Francis
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Francis
Yeah, Steve, but if you want to have a rational and logical discussion, you can't posit at the beginning that your position is true and the other position false.
The rules of logic don't allow it.

This is a tricky one for believers, I admit. Thing is, I haven't got a position. That's the whole point. I can't believe in the truth of nothing. That's just ludicrous. So I ask the Jesuit fellow, or any other fellow, to enter a conversation with the same blank canvas as mine. If I don't do this, then I'm immediately letting the Jesuit fellow/whoever commence the conversation on his ground. Me on the back foot before we have even started to exchange words. That simply can't be a sensible conversation. My position is that I haven't got a position, but I'm interested in yours, so tell me more. And have your evidence ready, because I don't do witness, hearsay, dodgy ancient texts, edicts and tradition, let alone the sayings of chairman pete.