The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3491024
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
16-Mar-13 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
You say that ""They were mostly people from that culture. No other explanation was forthcoming."", and for that reason you believed them. You were convinced of their veracity, yet when they said that no generalised conclusions about that culture should be drawn from their comments, you chose not to believe them.

They did not say such a thing Don.
They all attributed the behaviour to aspects of the culture, specifically the absence of mixed relationships outside marriage, absence of any courtship relationships, unhappy arranged marriages and a lack of respect for females in general, and non-Muslim girls in particular.

Ireland was only an example which I chose because of Jim.
The quoute from their embassy site indicaed a friendly relationship.
All the countries I mentioned are "neutral" and none would be on friendly termes with a state guilty of the crimes Jim and you ascribe to Israel.