The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149910   Message #3491164
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Mar-13 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Francis
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Francis
Many a "faith" spends much of its time bashing other faiths or bashing atheism. The Catholic church certainly bashes people who demur from its dictats on matters it regards itself as having the authority of God to decide on. The Catholic church has long taught that abortion is wrong, contraception is wrong, homosexuality is wrong, and now gay marriage is wrong. There is no room for discussion about whether the Church could, in fact, be wrong about these things itself. No, these things are just wrong, and all we are allowed is a conscience get-out clause that the more educated Catholics might get but which less educated Catholics (the vast majority) probably don't get. Mother Teresa said she didn't ever want to hear of a single abortion in Ireland. No-one in the upper echelons of the Church told her to shut her mouth, did they? That there was room for conscience? The Church is all too happy for mixed, confused messages to be put out. And that is the one thing that is definitely wrong.