The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3491320
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Mar-13 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
"Culture is implanted Jim."
You have been cynically attempting to manipulate this thread away from the awkward bits by whinging "thread change", now apparently you want to make it "Son of Muslim Prejudice"
One word and no more.
The more you repeat this moronic phrase, the more you underline your own idiocy.
Culture is absorbed; some aspects like religion are actually taught, but others are taken from families, friends, the surrounding communities... if these change, the culture changes, sometimes, slowly, but when the changes are radical, extremely quickly, often too quickly to be dealt with comfortably.
We worked with Irish Travellers in the London area for thirty years; the older people we recorded were brought up in the first half of the 20th century in rural Ireland and only moved out of that environment in the 1950s. Others were born on the road and moved into cities like Dublin, Galway and Cork
Most of the children we knew were born in urban Britain and their culture was shaped by that fact, entirely different from their parents Three different cultures within one community - it's called 'acculturation'.
Whatever the causes of the tiny handful of crimes that you describe as being "culturally implanted", they have nothing to do with being "Pakistani" or "Muslim" or Asian..... or whatever nasty racist label you would attach to them. The few who are carrying them out have kicked over the traces of traditional culture, they drink, they have sex outside of marriage, they don't follow family guidance or religious dictats - they are misfits.
Your crude attempts to pin these crimes on being "Muslim" is little different to the Nazi doctors and psychologists who claimed that Jews were genetically and culturally inferior - rabid, murderous racism that took the lives of six million Jews (not forgetting those that people tend to forget; the quarter of a million Gypsies that suffered the same fate - not an accident that you have had them in your rifle-sights as a target for your racism before now).
I read a remarkable book last year (I enjoyed it so much I'm keeping the follow up for later).
It was called 'The Invisible Wall' and is the memoir of Harry Bernstein, a Jewish man who grew up in a community of impoverished Jews who had fled the pogroms in eastern Europe and had settled in a one-street cotton town outside Manchester just before World War I.   
The 'Invisible Wall' was the divide between the Jewish and the Lancashire natives.
The Jewish families employed gentiles to light their fires on a Saturday because their religion forbade them to work on the Sabbath.
The sister of the author fled the community to marry a local lad; on the night of her departure the family held a wake to mourn her 'death' and from then on she was treated as deceased.
The book ends with the drawing to a close of WWI and the changes it wrought in that traditional community.
The second volume covers the family emigrating to America - more changes, no doubt.
I lived in Manchester in the 1960s and many of my friends were Jewish and from the same area as the memoir was set - no "fire dogs", no invisible walls", no forcing children to marry within their faith.... just a bunch of sociable, welcoming people who shared my love of traditional music, theatre and literature, and my interest in history and politics.
Branding people as you do, as 'cultural criminals' is to ghettoise them and forbid them the right to settle, live their lives peacefully and change - it is to terrorise entire communities, old, young, men, women - it is racist persecution of an extreme kind.
I'm not surprised that you hold the views you do and express them as viciously forcibly as you do - it seems to be what you are (perhaps it is the result of a cultural implant!)
I have no doubt you have a few well thought out reply to all this, like "rubbish", or "lies" or "bigoted" - maybe you can fit in an "Anti-Semitic" somewhere.
On the other hand, maybe it is "too long" - seems to be a problem with you - sorry about that; I don't have your skill of dealing with complex subjects with one-liners!
I am surprised and disappointed that Mike seems to share them, or at least, is ready to defend them on your behalf.
"Well - in the immortal words of Miss Mandy Rice-Davies..."
I always thought you would move away from being 'clever-clever' to maybe being just 'clever' - ah well; perhaps that's some sort of an implant too.
Finished that one - wan't more, reopen Muslim Prejudice, seems to be your natural habitat.
Jim Carroll