The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149850   Message #3491381
Posted By: akenaton
17-Mar-13 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic religion response to 'today'
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic religion response to 'today' do you find it possible to "celebrate" a lifestyle that carries with it such horrific rates of sexual infection?

Are you so blinded by your agenda that you cannot see that male to male sex is highly dangerous to those who participate in it.
In my opinion,the extreme promiscuity which you say causes these inflated rates is a symptom of, and endemic to male homosexuality.

The church is correct to point this out, whether it be a fashionable viewpoint or not; unfortunately the church continues to encourage the practice by retaining the celibacy rule and filling the priesthood with homosexuals......the highest figure in the catholic Church in Scotland has just been accused of sexual misconduct with young men so something is obviously amiss.

However, that is very different from attacking the whole ethos of religious faith, as seems to be happening in this thread.
All churches should reflect a socially conservative view in their teaching, do do otherwise would mean they become only another cult.