The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149731   Message #3491601
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
17-Mar-13 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Subject: RE: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Major-ly de-cluttered emails by finally realizing I did not have to get all those emails about who posted what on FB! It took a lot of time just to delete 200 or so.

The return of energy got me to make a whole bunch of pots this week. I plumb wore myself out with un- accustomed activities and still have a bunch of trimming to do. Commuted to the cabin most weekdays to be able to work.

It felt great to get the work done but body got achy and I had to take a break. I hope to be able to get back at it tomorrow and have a bisque kiln load early in the week and two glaze firings to have new stuff for the Farm market next Sunday. Glazed a probable kiln load but want to do the bisque first so I have test tiles on which to try out new glaze combinations.

Made delicious pancakes yesterday and today with part buckwheat, part chickpea flour, sour milk, apples and cinnamon.

De-tox baths took up large chinks of 3 days last week. But seem to help the energy level.

Decided last night that those boxes of archives could move to the vicinity of the wood stove, one at a time, and go into the fire box as needed. If something exciting comes to the surface, it can be rescued. I have reached the point of just wanting to be rid of the whole lot. The filing cabinet could use a blitz also. NEXT!