The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149990   Message #3492176
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Mar-13 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: An Open Letter to Michelle Shocked
Subject: RE: An Open Letter to Michelle Shocked
A line in the above posts realy caught my eye -

Let's face it, if people who advertise themdelves as entertainers and musicians, start to use their entertainer's platform as a political one, then I for one want my money back.

Now, fair enough, this is a perfectly valid view that should be metered out with an equal hand. Unfortunately, and I am not including the writer of the line in this because I do not know him or her, there are a huge number of people who will only apply this to those who oppose their own views.

Folk music has always supported the views of the left. I cannot think of a folk club I have attended or a concert I have seen that does not include some element of a politically left wing view. Now, that suits me as it is closer to my own views than others, but we should all understand it is not the only view. If we all wanted our money back if there was any political comment where would Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seegar, Woody Guthrie, Billy Bragg, Show of Hands, John Tamms and many others be? If not in the poor-house they would certainly not be as comfortable :-(

Although I do not support Ms Shocked views, I would certainly support her right to voice them in any way she chooses. And likewise with Vin Garbutt, who, for some reason, some people seem afraid to name. To the person who would not book Vin because of his views on abortion, you are missing a damn good for no good reason. Whether you hold his views or not, he is not trying to force anyone to do anything. Just to make his views known. Pretty much like Ms Shocked seems to have done.

Has anyone has ever walked out of a concert because the performer supports gay marriage? Did it make the news if they did? How many times, at folk clubs or concerts, have you heard a plea to overthrow the government or destroy capitalism? Have you ever boo'd the artist or walked out if you have? If there is one thing that puts me off folk music it is the one-sided belief that we should all be anti-establishment, left-wing, downtrodden, working-class activists. We are not and this attitude is just as biggoted as anything reported above. But it will not put me off listening or supporting folk music because I still love it for itself.

Off the soapbox now :-)


Dave the Gnome