The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28212   Message #349434
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
01-Dec-00 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Subject: RE: BS: 20% Canadians Flunk Butterfly Ballot
Jimmy: It's not that the Dems in Fla "can't" get it streamlined or more efficient - they don't WANT to! A system like you have in Canada is not nearly as easy to "tweak" in a close call as these absurdities are... and I strongly suspect that that is the whole idea! Isn't it interesting that they are squinting at "chads" with magnifying glases trying to eke out another "vote" for Gore, while most of the absentee ballots from our overseas Military personell (who were expected to go predominantly for BUSH) were rejected on the minutest of technical pretenses. "Every vote must count"? Yeah, right, Al! Reminds me of the Biblical parable of the Scribes and Pharasees who swallow a camel whole right after spending the last hour on the crapper straining to poop out a fruit fly. That's my paraphrase, by the way - I'm not sure that's the way Jesus actually put it, but I think he was right up front and to the point about that sort of thing. "Scribes"= "Lawyers".... my, there is a connection there, eh? I wish you would go down there to fix things up (we seem to be doing pretty well here in Maine, thanks) but I suspect that you, or anyone else attempting to interject any integrity, common sense, or logic into that gulag would be personna non gratia.. or worse. There is hope that enough Americans are waking up to this horsepuckey so that Democracy and a modicum of Liberty might endure a bit longer; check out one "alternative information" source (What wer'e not supposed to know) at: or The internet is helping to circumvent the Liberal-controlled "news" establishments and their PC censored propoganda just like they are tying to circumvent the Constitution.. and it's tearin' 'em right up! Of course "big Brother" is likely keeping tabs on all of this, so don't be surprised if I come up among the missing some day....if you'll excuse me, I must be tilting another windmill....