The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3494576
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Mar-13 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""yet it is still among the best in the world while its surrounding enemies are among the worst.""

It is still among the best in world at just two things. Annexing territory which belongs to those surrounding enemies, and trading on its perennial "victim" status in a cynical attempt to win the sympathy vote.

There are those who see through that. You don't,....or won't.

As for having criticised Israel, you haven't!

Oh sure, your "they aren't the worst", or "they're still among the best" do nothing more than pay lip service to the fact that they are not perfect.

In no specific instance during this discussion have you failed to leap into a frantic denial based purely on the denials of the Israel propaganda ministry.

You have not accepted a single item of evidence presented to you,in spite of the vanishingly small possibility that everybody who told of Israeli crimes could be part of your imagined world wide conspiracy against Israel.

You even categorise B'Tselem, Israeli Human Rights organisations and Israeli soldiers as anti Israel liars, not to mention Bedouins living under Israeli rule, and any other Arab who dares speak out.

Don T.