The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150019   Message #3494784
Posted By: Bobert
25-Mar-13 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obamacare = Genocide
Subject: RE: BS: Obamacare = Genocide
Bottom line, Larry, is that the wrongman is a one-trick pony... He won't post unless it is yet another way of showing his obsessive hatred of Obama... Period...

But don't believe me... Click on his name on any thread and all of his posts will come up and you too can trip down Songwronger's magical mystery tour of a tortured individual...

That, in no way is meant to be a personal attack... Just observation... And, yes, I do have many years working with mentally ill people working beside and along various other folks in mental health...

And Don is correct... We have stalkers here... I have one... He comes and goes but when he is here he is a complete jerk... BTW, he has not been content to just stalk me here but has found other websites where I participate and stalked me there, as well... Once you get one of these folks on you you get to understand what Don and I are talking about...

Nuff said...
