The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48907   Message #3494815
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Mar-13 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning??? (MacColl)
Subject: RE: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning???
"Jimmy Miller" was not any sort of actor, Tone, small or big or any other sort of time ~~ any more than William Pratt was:- for anyone who happens not to know, the real name of the man who acted thruout a long and distinguished career under the famous name of Boris Karloff. Mr Miller used the name Ewan MacColl throughout his career as performer and author, whether as actor or playwright or singer of folksongs or writer of songs in the folk idiom. He had, as pointed out above, as much right to be known by that name as Israel Baline had to be known as Irving Berlin, or Mary Ann Evans to be known as George Eliot, or Lord Stansgate to be known as Tony Benn, or any other of thousands of examples that could be adduced. What point anyone thinks they are making by insisting on referring to the creative and performing artist Ewan MacColl by what happened to be his birth name, of which he made no secret but which he preferred not to use as his professional name, I cannot conceive.
