The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149731   Message #3495334
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Mar-13 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Subject: RE: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
I feel much better this evening. I tackled the sink and have the dishwasher running. That's about all I'm going to attempt.

This afternoon I was at the post office and then pulled across the road to get gas. A boy, perhaps 10, walked up and asked if I had a couple of dollars. I'd seen a man who looked like a gang-banger walking from the direction of this gas station to the post office a few minutes earlier, and I realized that the mother was slowly "cleaning" the car windows and every time a new vehicle pulled in she sent one of her two little boys over to panhandle. The father was out of sight at the post office because he would screw up the scene.

I reported this inside, and they said something to her. As I was putting the nozzle back at my truck the woman approached me and was angry denied that they were panhandling, that I had told her son he shouldn't be panhandling. I called her bluff and told her (as she walked back to her car) that child protective services frowned on parents putting their children in harm's way by having them approach strangers. She was still doing it when I left, but I called back to the gas station and told them what she did and that she was still sending the boys out but trying to keep the cars between the boys and the windows of the station. It's not just illegal, it's this kind of parents that can really screw up their kids. The story is they "ran out of gas" just at the gas station. How convenient.

Oh, well.

Dorothy, did I miss news about the cabin earlier, or did this just happen? You've enjoyed that place so much, I hope you find something suitable to move to.