The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48907   Message #3495891
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Mar-13 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning??? (MacColl)
Subject: RE: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning???
Sorry ~~ acknowledge a mistake [NOT a 'typo'] in above and the post it refs to. Can't imagine why I put FYO, when it should have been FYI = For your information.

Profound apologies* for culpable and erroneous carelessness.


*How about some of the same from u-no-hoo for his repeated 'McColl'? In my dreams, I much fear! Actually, on recollection I think he did offer such; but in tones of profound irony, IIRC [= If I remember correctly!] Most of these abbreviations can be found on Mudcat html, I think, can't they?