The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3495994
Posted By: GUEST,Larry Saidman
28-Mar-13 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
Back to musical snobbery.   I have my moments....even though I admit to liking a lot of 'bad' music. But I guess that just the fact I call it 'bad' music probably reinforces that 'snob' category.   I mean, how do we really judge what is 'good' and what is 'bad'?

I don't think there is any category of music I totally dismiss. My own personal experience has been that about 90% of music in every category I either judge as 'bad'....or simply don't care for.

Does that make me a snob? Probably.