The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150128   Message #3496530
Posted By: gnu
29-Mar-13 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada bilingualism- $1.1 Billion
Subject: RE: BS: Canada bilingualism- $1.1 Billion
Oooooo... can of SLIMEY worms! This may get nasssstaaay!

But, can YOUSE handle the truth? The REAL truth? The corruption?

"The money would go to French Immersion, Immigration, Strengthening minority communities."

French is the hook line. The rest is a ticket for corrupt politicins and bureaucrats to line their offshore bank accounts. There is big money to be made by allowing and funding immigrants to come here and take over businesses built up by Canucks whose families have been here for generations... families who sacrificed and fought in wars. These poor Canucks cannot compete with the $$$ that these immigrants have. I know of one such that happened less than 1km from where I type. There are many.

Bilingualism? I am all for it for a number of reasons. It has led to great prosperity for my province and especially for my home town. But, the immigration law changes "tacked on"? The combination of the Departments of Citizenship and of Immigration? WTF? The slimey corrupted pieces of shit should be exposed and land in the PEN!