The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150086   Message #3496936
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
31-Mar-13 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Subject: RE: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
I consider myself agnostic although I agree with many of Christ's socialist teachings. I have no use for a diety that wants me to bow down, pray, and worship, but the message to "share with my fellow man" I see as a goal to self fulfillment. However, if my motivation in doing so is to save my soul or to gain entrance to Heaven through the back door, that seems a selfish reason without merit! I resolutely reject stupid dogma from any religion that demands that I adhere to their template without some evidence of a physical nature that it is correct. I regard the Bible and Koran as simply books written by man and reject both in parts but see wisdom in other sections. I do believe that there are many forces in this Universe far beyond our ability to comprehend, but I reject dogma from others who claim understanding because they accept what is written in some book on faith alone.
I suppose some would consider me an athiest but I have a spiritual nature that rejects that as well, so I call myself agnostic.
Christianity,Islam and other religions could do well by rejecting bonds of dogmatic crap and look to improving the lives of fellow humans, rather than wasting time and prayer on a diety that doesn't exist!
However if it is your wish or desire to do so please don't judge me for having an alternate view!