The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28190   Message #349716
Posted By: GeorgeH
01-Dec-00 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: Oscar Wilde
Subject: RE: Oscar Wilde
I've not seen this mentioned here (but my visits remain somewhat erratic) . .

Currently BBC 2 is running an excellent series on the development of the contemporary British (well, English might be more accurate!) theatre; "Changing Stages", Sundays.

The second programme dealt with the Irish influence at the start of the century and Wilde featured strongly. (It was a pity the "Wilde Heritage" tour of Dublin(?) they showed managed totally the wrong emphasis on ". . the Brighton side" - clearly THEY hadn't done their homework, and I'm surprised Richard Eyre let it pass.)

Incidently, the same programme used the first AfroCelt Sound System CD for almost all its soundtrack - and a wonderful soundtrack it was, too . . Of course this was NOT acknowledged in the programme credits!
