The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150086   Message #3497579
Posted By: Amos
01-Apr-13 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Subject: RE: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
There is such a thing as "nothing" but it is not found in the inventory of space, time, energy and matter. According to the mystics, anyway, the true "zeroeth state" is reached when one has let go of the attachments to form, energy, etc., and is contemplating the origin of thought itself.

This is much less common an occurence than one might imagine, given the popularity of Eastern theories and the practice of yoga, meditation, etc. Living in a culture that continuously returns the attention to forms and times makes it tricky.

But that doesn't mean it ain't there, as the spinster told the Bishop.