The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150086   Message #3497679
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Apr-13 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Subject: RE: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Guestlex, Cool....while reading your post, something else I posted came to mind(which was actually argued against by one of Mudcat's illustrious 'atheists')....
"Intelligence is the ability to process information....information comes to us in several ways..various dimensions...therefore, to process more information one must try to keep one's filters clean."....AND... "Speed is a bi-product of accuracy"...(this applies to various things, as per aforementioned, but is absolutely obvious while practicing chops in music)...Couple processing information, clean filters, and accuracy, and to the not-so-aware observer, things you may be involved with may be termed as 'miraculous'....I find that greater awareness, by processing information, accurately, with clean filters also gives one greater access...if one receives it with respectful and humble fascination....which brings him to gratitude of grace(undeserved mercy)!

Zoooom....just flew over the heads of 'atheists'....and that is really sad.

...and 'cheers' to you as well!