The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28092   Message #349789
Posted By: Skeptic
01-Dec-00 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: So Who is Our New President?
Subject: RE: BS: So Who is Our New President?
troll, There is no "mainstream liberal media". The mainstream media is sensationalistic, headline grabbing and a lot of other things, but there really isn't a conspiracy. (Which is interesting, considering the low opinion you seem to have of liberals, I mean, the ones you describe don't seem capable of orchestrating a conspiracy so well concealed and managed that proof is lacking. Anecdotes don't count as proof, BTW.) If anything, the press (overall) are notorious fence sitting wimps.

Interesting that the "liberal media" hasn't brought up the Bush efforts in Seminole and Marin County more prominently as the allegations there involve outright fraud. And Ms. Harris chose to ignore those (and similar) allegations of collusion and fraud when she certified the ballot. They also haven't mentioned the interesting historical trivia of the massive recounts in 1960 demanded by the Republicans, playing this a Democratic challenge to the electorial system. The recounts in 1960 involved 13 states and in Illinois lasted well into December.

Whatever our divergent opinions on Bush and Gore are, claiming that the media is liberal (with the hint of a conspiracy of some sort) and that somehow means something is disingenuous and misleading. And unworthy. You can and have argued more persuasively (and enjoyably) based on substansive issues, not irelevancies. (Well maybe not on mudcat, but you have)

To Continue:

I believe another thread commented on the fact that there isn't a State, let alone Federal standard for managing an election. It bears repeating. The County Supervisors in Florida, as elected officials, enjoy a great deal of discretion. My County is a Charter County, which means that except where specially limited by the Constitution of Florida which gives us a lot of local discretion. And makes the local Supervisors perhaps more susceptible to pressure.

Should I be concerned that a Republican Secretary of State certified the election. That a Republican controlled legislature will act to validate it? No, according to the "liberal press", I should be concerned that a democratic State Supreme Court sided with Gore.

Are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stirring up trouble? I think so but see no great conspiracy. Both of them generally play to the media to further there own agenda. Say what you will, neither are robots.

And if there is a bias in the media against Bush, is it because he is a Conservative Republican, or because he really is the self serving tool of the upper class people portray him as? Media (the liberal media) spin is what a great job he did in Texas, and all the problems aren't really his fault. Hardly the attitude of a liberal press conspiring against the downtrodden Republicans.

Why doesn't the Bush campaign want the hand count to continue? They were and are trying hard to stop it, with the ingenious claim that the people have spoken. But if all the votes haven't been counted, the people haven't spoken, at least not all the people.

The true contest isn't about Bush or Gore but about the integrity of an (admittedly) cumbersome system. If the ongoing schoolyard fight causes a significant number of voters to doubt or reject the system itself, that will do more harm than the issue of who is President for the next year.

And finally, the only date that truly matters under the US Constitution, is January 6 when Congress counts the ballots of the Electors. What if Bush takes Florida but the electors vote for Gore. (As they are perfectly free to do under the US Constitution)?. That is worthy of concern.

