The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150086   Message #3498142
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
03-Apr-13 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Subject: RE: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
What if it's all one big day, the 'big bang' is still in progress, and everything that is, comprises God?? what if the only thing that isn't God, is just darkness, nothingness and death...What if the 'Light' illuminated a path that leads out of darkness and death....What if man only looks at events through 'time', because part of him is made of matter....what if, from a different perspective there really is no time...What if the only things that really exist is God and he lives in eternity, no calculated time....what if, when we came into this life and entered matter, the journey gave us amnesia, and it's all a little foggy now....but somehow, we can identify truth when we here is, but can't remember where we know it from....
What if the only thing we remember is that it is all held together by Love...what if, no matter how much one wants to be separated, you really can't be.....what if you could succeed in isolating yourself from the whole.....would that be called being an atheist?
Jeez, who'd want to be separated from law of Love anyway????