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Thread #149360   Message #3498302
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Apr-13 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""What would you have had them do? Go back after all that to the 1948 UN Resolution borders and then sit and wait for all their nice new neighbours to have another go? Oh, come on!...""
That was then, this is now; 65 years later.
So take a look at the size of Israel today, and compare with the twominiscule areas to which are confined the Arabs who used to occupy most of it.
Add in the fact that Israel has been annexing the larger of the two, considerably reducing the Arab land without authority or the excuse of conquest.
Some redress of balance is essential if the Palestinians are not to be squeezed out of existence, wouldn't you agree.

Of course I would agree. I have condemned the Israeli expansionism a dozen times here ~~ tho for some reason Jim will never listen. But I was replying, Don, to this of yours ~~

The last time any firm borders were established by anyone who possessed the authority to do so, was 1948.
The decision was made, and since that time Israel has gained territory by conquest and is continuing to do so by annexation.
Why should you NOT accept reversion to THOSE borders?
After all they are, whoever has or has not accepted them, the last legally established ones.

to point out that it was the refusal of the neighbouring Arab states to accept these borders when the new Israeli state was perfectly prepared to do so, that is responsible ultimately for the present lamentable behaviour by the Israelis -- coupled, of course, with the refusal of those very Arab states, enormous as they are, to integrate those Palestinian Arabs who fled to them at the time as a result of their actions, not those of the Israelis; in marked contrast to the way that the minute state of Israel has integrated a vastly greater number of Jewish immigrants over the period.

It may all be a long time ago, Don; but all but two of those Arab states have insisted thruout those years, and up to the present, that they are still at war with Israel; and have only been deterred from acting on this insistence by the knowledge that they could now, & at any time in the interim, have got their arses kicked a good bit harder than they did 65 years ago, by the then small but now maybe just a bit more powerful & knowing lot which they tried, so pathetically, to bully then.

Look at the situation over the whole of that 65 years, right up to the present, Don, if you hope to achieve any sort of balanced view of the present unfortunate situation; and put the original blame for it where it properly belongs.
