The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3498303
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish
03-Apr-13 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
If you want to help STOP Global Warming, then contribute funds to Polly Higgins and her Ecocide Team...Polly, who has become known as The Lawyer For Mother Earth, has now dedicated her life to bringing in The Law of Ecocide.

You can donate right here:

Eradicating Ecocide - Funding Page

If you have any problems, let me know and I can contact Polly's team via Facebook,in an instant, for you.

Bolivia's President, Evo Morales is already building the legal framework for 'The Law of Mother Earth'

Meanwhile, Brazil's President is overseeing the highly illegal and genocidal Belo Monte dam in the Amazon Rainforest, the first of over 60 planned for there, third largest in the world...

And Ecuador is about to auction 3 MILLION acres of her Rainforest to Chinese Oil Companies, again, illegally, with NO consultation taking part with the Indigenous People whom this will wipe out...

Peru's Rainforest is in dire straits to the Corporate Oil Bastards...

And even darlin' Terry Pratchett has joined in, making a tiring and arduous journey recently to try to wake the world to the plight of the Orangutans and the rapidly disappearing Rainforest of Indonesia..

Swings and Roundabouts....of Evil and Good..

And then, of course, we have the Frucking Frackers...

Meanwhile, the First Nations/Native Americans are rising up in Idle No More, for Mother Earth and the rights of Indigenous Peoples..being taken up on a global scale...

And whilst all this is going on, plus a WHOLE lot more, our little Bees are dying, dying, dying....

In Britain it has been a disaster for them, too cold to fly, natural winter food gone, emergency food administered by their keepers, freezing..and whole hives dying, dying, dying, whilst our Complicit and Evil Media use their front pages to tell the world about fecking Justin Bieber's Monkey!!

Yes, there ARE over 7 BILLION of us, but we can still grow enough food to feed every person on the planet, but instead of those who DARE to call themselves 'leaders' DEMANDING that ALL CHILDREN learn how to grow their own food, build their own houses, become beekeepers...and are taught how to LOVE Mother Earth with their very souls, over here in Britain our 'Education Minister' is demanding that our children are no longer taught about Climate Change!!!!!

We get the governments we deserve!
We get the WORLD we deserve!

And right now about 6 BILLION people truly couldn't give a FUCK for Mother Earth, nor for ANY other Species upon Her...seeing themselves as the most outstanding, the most intelligent and the ones who dictate EVERYTHING upon this planet...

They are soon to be in for the biggest shock of their lives...