The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149910   Message #3498533
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Apr-13 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Francis
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Francis
OK, but let's just see if he permits contraception in order to avert HIV/Aids in Africa so that millions of women can better fight discrimination, poverty, disease and misery, the legacy of the Catholic Church in Africa. Don't get me wrong. I like a chap who eschews the wealthy trappings he's entitled to and who kisses disabled people. But those actions are neither useful in that wider sense nor necessarily indicative of how the rest of his papacy will go. There has been a public relations disaster in recent years and he's beyond blame for trying to put that right. But we have a bit of a wait ahead of us. His true colours are not looking good.