The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122842   Message #3498812
Posted By: GUEST,Cathy Hornby/Ormston/O'Dea
04-Apr-13 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
Subject: RE: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
Well, I'm very late to this party but I've had a great old time scanning this terrific thread - a roll call of the amazing singers, musicians, larger-than-life-characters and general all-round-good-eggs of the Liverpool folk scene. Hello everone - there's loads of people mentioned/writing on here deserving of a big wave and a hug :)

I pitched up to the Trad club in 1980 about two weeks after my 18th birthday having come to Liverpool to train as an occupational therapist, and had been tipped off about the club by folk-club chums from Middleton where I'd begun singing (Cathy O'Dea in those days). Chris (Ormston) and I, along with Ruth Eccles (whistle/flute player) and some chap called Tony from Sheffield were the 'youth section' I guess(!) - I loved those Thursday nights at the Trad club, and the Bothy nights too (when I could cadge a lift). Stayed in Liverpool for the next nine years - highlights included seeing Nic Jones (more than once I remember); seeing Sam Sherry perform his songs, dances and show his archive film of the Sherry brothers; Jill Burns - always brilliant; and the usual suspects aka 'the residents' who were such great performers, but mainly the general quality of the audiences' singing of rousing choruses and enjoying competing with Tony Gibbons for the high harmonies (he always won).There was Shay singing 'John Anderson my Jo', Barbara, Mike and Tony ('Bright Phoebus'?) singing erm 'Bright Phoebus'?; Judith and Jill singing about the 'Co-op shop',and of course all of the things mentioned already. There were so many events/parties/high jinks that were pure joy (the run of festivals mentioned by Clive were particularly noteworthy, even if it did take years to clear the debt :/ ) - I was in total heaven dancing in the Adelphi ballroom to Bernard Lasblez & Tijaz - remember that? Did I dream it or did the Elliots of Birtley visit from time to time (Bill Elliot being in Liverpool for a few years) - Chris and I had a bit of a spell playing/singing with Bill, Dave Allman (fiddle) and John Freeman (mandolin/guitar).

And Clive, remember doing a one off ceilidh gig with me, Chris, Cathy Goss and Andy Hornby? We were - very briefly - WD40 ?! Ah - what fun!