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Thread #149910   Message #3499163
Posted By: Rog Peek
05-Apr-13 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pope Francis
Subject: RE: BS: Pope Francis
I watched a very disturbing, moving report about the 'stolen babies' of Argentina's 'dirty war' on BBC's Newsnight yesterday.
If you can's get Newsnight for any reasin, story is here

At the end of the report Jeremy Paxman spoke to Sue Lloyd Roberts, the author of the report about a development involving Pope Francis which I have transcribed below:

Jeremy Paxman:
"Sue Lloyd Roberts who made that report is here now, there's a development tonight?..."
Sue Lloyd Roberts:
"There is a development concerning the Pope. One of the grandmothers, one of the founding grandmothers, Estela de la Cuadra, has been on television and radio in Argentina over the last few days, saying that the current, the new Pope who is of course Argentinian should not have been elected because he lacked integrity. And the reason she says this is because the family appealed to the Pope when he was just a Jesuit priest, his name was Jorge Bergoglio for help. Their daughter who was five months pregnant had been arrested, and they knew that she had come to term, and there were rumours about these babies being born in captivity and they wanted to know what had happened to the mother and baby. So, they went to Bergoglio, and he did listen, he did help, many priests just told the mothers to go away, they didn't want to get involved, they were afraid, but Bergoglio wrote to his bishop whom he knew had good contacts with the military. They went to see the bishop and the bishop told them that "Yes, their granddaughter had been taken by a very important military family and he warned the biological family not to delve further otherwise they would get into serious trouble."
Jeremy Paxman:
"Why does this matter?"
Sue Lloyd Roberts:
"The reason this matters is that, you can see on the note which Bergoglio wrote to his bishop that the date is 1977, you see his signature beneath, and when Cardinal Bergoglio as he later became was giving evidence to the court a couple of years ago when the court was looking into the conduct of the Catholic Church during what's called 'the dirty war' he claimed that he knew nothing about the mothers, or the grandmothers, or these stolen babies until 1985, a good two years after the dictatorship came to an end. Now, why would he do this? Well his critics say it is because everybody who's of a certain age in Argentina today, has to account for what they were doing during 'the dirty war', particularly the church who had a very bad reputation. The majority of the priests collaborated with the regime or turned a blind eye. A few were very brave, indeed nineteen priests were murdered, including two bishops, but the critics of the Pope say he is saying he didn't know because by saying he didn't know, he can be forgiven for not having done more to help the victims of this terror. So if you like, he wants to stand on the side of the angels in this sad episode in Argentinian history, which is a good place for a Pope to be."

How, anyone living in Argentina could have been oblivious to what was going on I cannot imagine. Rather reminds me of the lines in Tom Paxton's song:

"We didn't know said the Bergermaster,
About the camp on the edge of town,
It was Hitler and his crew that
Brought the German nation down"
