The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126607   Message #3499769
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
06-Apr-13 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: Coal Mining Songs
Subject: RE: Coal Mining Songs
In March 2012 we staged a couple of concerts of Mining Songs in Edinburgh and Glasgow: on the whole these featured songs from the the Scottish coalfields and NE of England but with a couple from further afield. Artists included Gifford Lind, Scott Murray, Mick West, Jim Bainbridge and 4-piece band Ragged Glory from Newtongrange, one of the Midlothian mining areas.
Here's the list of songs sung, some of which have already been mentioned above:

Schooldays Over        
I Wish I was a Miner        
Aff Tae the Pit in the Mornin                        
The Miner's Rescue                         
The Multicoloured PIt Pony                        
Doon in the Darkly Pit                        
Hard Days But Happy Days                        
Miners' Medley                                                
The Pound a Week Rise                        
The Night-Visiting Song                        
The Durham Miner's Gala                        
Me Hair Has Turned Grey                         
Ower the Walls Oot                         
The Durham Miners' Strike                         
The Big Hewer                
The Old Miner                         
The Coaltown Road                
The Midlothian Miners' Song                 
The Recruited Collier                        
Collier Laddie                        
Prince of Darkness                        
Coorie Doon                        
Six Jolly Miners                
The Blantyre Explosion                
Dark as a Dungeon                
Farewell to the Gold (N Zealand)                         
Harold's Best Men/Farewell Johnny Miner                        
Roll On the Day
Miner's Lifeguard                         
19 Streets                 
The Miners' Raws                                 
The Bowhill Colliery Pug                 
Poem - I am the Common Man                         1
Remembrance Day Song                 
The Miner's Lass
Fordell Ball                                                        
Me Hair Has Turned Grey                
Rap at a Bank/Jowl Jowl and Listen                
The Durham Lockout                
The Durham Emigrant                         
The Night-Visiting Song                        
Winter Sun