The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6079   Message #35000
Posted By: Brian Hoskin
16-Aug-98 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jack o' Diamonds
Subject: Lyr Add: JACK O' DIAMONDS BLUES (Lemon Jefferson)
Joe, Good of you to put a link through to Bob Dylan's 'Jack o' Diamonds', but I suspect that Mark is really after Blind Lemon Jefferson's version. BLJ recorded two takes of this song in May 1926, this is the first take:


Jack o' Diam, Jack o' Diamonds,
Jack o' Diamonds, a hard card to play.
Jack o' Diamonds once in a time,
He did rob a friend of mine.
Jack o' Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Set the Jack against the Queen,
It's gonna turn your money green.
Jack o' Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack o' Diam, Jack o' Diamonds,
Jack o' Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Set the Jack against the Four,
You're gonna win right in the door.
Jack o' Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack o' Diamonds made me cry.
I expect to gamble until I die.
Jack o' Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack o' Diam, Jack o' Diamonds,
Jack o' Diamonds, a hard card to play.

As for Kelly Joe Phelps, I read an interesting interview with him early this year, in 'Folk Roots' magazine. However, I have never actually heard any of his playing. I have a very long list of CDs I would like to buy and a very limited amount of money with which to buy them!
