The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150273   Message #3500297
Posted By: GUEST,Valerie B Kaiser, AKA Valerie B. Kaiser, MD
07-Apr-13 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: John Charles Thomas ID as 'Joseph Toner' refuted
Subject: John Charles Thomas real ID Joseph Toner
The IMBD has strict criterea for changing a person's identity, birth date (which is almost never done) and death date. Yet for conclusive reasons accepted world wide, the music of JOSEPH TONER proves he is the historical JOHN CHARLES THOMAS. He is also known under other names such as Richard Torigi and Earl Wrightson, Guy Robertson, William Kent, and others. He was a film star as well, known to many of those who you know famously, but those films have been destroyed, though successful. You can follow him on YouTube at:

YouTube Valerie B Kaiser