The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28249   Message #350047
Posted By: Banjer
02-Dec-00 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Christmas Parodies I
Subject: Christmas Parodies
Ah it's that time of year again! It's beginnig to look a lot like Christmas (there's a song in there somewhere) You folks in the Northern lands have snow on the ground to tell you that Christmas time is almost here. In the South we gauge how close Christmas is by how many storage trailers are stacked up behind our local Wal-Mart. This is also the time of year that many of us start singing some of the Christmas carols we learned in our youth. I'm talkin the really good ones, not the goody two shoes versions that we had to learn in school. One that comes to mind is the old favorite from the time when Alvin and Theodore were making their presence known:

Chipmunks roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost picking at his nose
Santa came down the wrong chimmeny again
That's the way shit goes....

Do any others come to mind? Share them with us all in the spirit of the season...