The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28236   Message #350054
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
02-Dec-00 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: Wassailing
Subject: RE: Wassailing
No problem! I did just check out the pages- no trouble getting in or out. I even tried explorer.. I write the pages primairly in netscape composer so they are biased a bit toward netscape.... I have noted that my netscape version which is a recent model... sometimes developes problems... try cleaning cache out and then shutting off netscape. Check to see if it is still running somehow and shut that off then begin again.

Good luck! Enjoy the pages. The Wassail Epicenter as well as almost all of our online work is done as a donation to the public of the world. If you are interested in supporting our work you may go to and click on the link to the right. The Wassail Epicenter will list any wassail event for free! Just send me an e.mail Clicketwassail here! Conrad