The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150244   Message #3501221
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Apr-13 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Oh!...perfect timing!!.....
I agree with that message!
(What goes around, comes around)
And Bobert, I, as others have posted that we don't hate Obama(it's bad for your emoting on the strings)...but there ARE concerns for those who blindly blather contrary to evident events that say differently. (boy!..say that three times real fast)...the Monsanto Immunity Rider that he signed has NO BUSINESS in the Democratic Budget Proposal...or do I have that backward??.....Monsanto's bill is ALL about business, and to get it into law, sneakily, for the purpose of giving that corporation immunity from all future damages, physical or financial, from the use of their TESTED AND UNTESTED products!...and exempt them from having to label. Man, you gotta have some paid off puppets to pull that one off!!.....and getting to get the president to sign off on a bill of that nature that Monsanto WROTE!!...("Here, tell the President to sign this...don't worry, it'll be kept quiet, because OUR news outlets won't cover it..we'll see to it!") Sorry guys, but THAT is a pisser!!..Oh yeah, that's right he's 'doing the will of the people' ..and if they don't like it, well there's always NDAA!....but first we better disarm them...and fast..time is running out.....they're wising up!...damn social networking!...what can we do to get people off from using Facebook??....the stuff that's being posted is outside either of OUR parties' influence!!.....

but that's OKAY, guys....(I'll speak for myself)...'Good evening officer, I'm not with the party, I'm with the band!'