The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150273   Message #3501235
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Apr-13 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: John Charles Thomas ID as 'Joseph Toner' refuted
Subject: John Charles Thomas ID as 'Joseph Toner' refuted
I've written to the publisher of the book John Charles Thomas (2006) to ask if they can send me the email of the author (Michael Maher). He's as close to a modern day scholar on the subject as we're likely to find (though I could dip into the MLA databases). He ought to be able to nip this in the bud.

It may seem silly, taking up a cause when most people don't know or remember who he is. But his work was important. His name is mentioned along with John Jacob Niles and Percy Grainger. Prologue to Pagliacci (1945) or the spiritual Swing Low, Sweet Chariot or "Kansas City" from Oklahoma! or "Take Me Back to My Boots and Saddle" or Burns' "Ye Banks and Braes". He wasn't about to be pigeon-holed as one type of singer. He loved opera, but he also loved western songs and traditional and spiritual songs. He doesn't deserve to have some wacko in Brooklyn usurp his name and reputation.