The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150273   Message #3501836
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Apr-13 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: John Charles Thomas ID as 'Joseph Toner' refuted
Subject: John Charles Thomas ID as 'Joseph Toner' refuted
This reminds me of the original Star Trek episode in which guest star James Daly plays an unknown Earth man named Flint. It was called Requiem for Methuselah and the premise is that this very ancient being kept reinventing himself and was all of the various great world European composers (Mozart, Beethoven, etc.). One wonders where the thread originator got the idea that various artists were all parts of one man who has no name or imprint in music (that I can find).

She claims on her Google+ page that she is being stalked. One can only presume that she blocks all remarks because they come from people protesting this fantasy of hers.