The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28260   Message #350244
Posted By: Bat Goddess
02-Dec-00 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
Subject: RE: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
Curmudgeon made a decision years ago not to play New Years Eve gigs, so for years we had music parties. Success was usually judged by how many people were around for quiche the next morning. The music was glorious and it was a great way to start the new year.

Unfortunately, the last few years a significant part of the goup is in a band that DOES like to play New Years Eve gigs and are generally too tired to join us after the gig. So we've been trying to reconfigure the personnel around the old concept -- music to bring in the new year.

This year I think we'll be doing no holiday entertaining at all as I have techno crap scattered from one end of the house to the other while trying to clear out one room as a studio/office. If I don't get something major accomplished in the next couple weeks, I don't know where the Christmas tree is going.

I'm hoping someone else closeby wants good company, good food and good music to herald the new year -- and invites us!

Bat Goddess