The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28262   Message #350260
Posted By: Bernard
02-Dec-00 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: is mudcat becaming regionalised
Subject: RE: BS: is mudcat becaming regionalised
Perhaps the 'gatherings' are giving a false impression? Obviously (what a redundant word that is!) it is difficult for gatherings to be anything but regional, but I don't give a monkeys where anyone is from, as long as they don't take my lighthearted jibes too seriously!

We all have to learn to laugh at ourselves, and accept that others will inevitably have a preconceived idea of the characteristics someone from a particular area my be likely to exhibit.

The UK gatherings have, so far, dispelled such myths - in fact, we had a 'colonial' at Llanstock!

Maybe the reason for this thread was somewhat tongue-in-cheek?