The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28260   Message #350271
Posted By: paddymac
02-Dec-00 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
Subject: RE: Help with New Year's Eve problems.
As a bit of a word freak, I could really get into a Scrabble and tunes party. "Boggle" is a fun word game as well. Seems like the games and music might share the characteristic that a drink or two improves performance at both, but three or four lowers the level immeasurably. I used to enjoy going out, almost to the point of a compulsion, but after having seen a few too many inebriates wrapped around trees and the like, I decided it was more fun to stay home with a few friends, and a hell of a lot safer. I refuse to go on the roads between 10 and three, just to give the drunks a chance to clear out. Drinking establishments here close at two, which creates a really wierd window on the roads. Whatever and however they do it, here's hoping 'catters everywhere enjoy and survive the night.

Serious partiers can spread their New Year's cheer over the year by exploring comparable festivals in other cultures. I celebrate four of them, albeit each one a bit differently. There's the "conventional" New Year's of 12/31-1/1; Muskogee (late march); Chinese (variable); and Celtic (Samhain/Halloween). Anybody know of any others?