The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69811   Message #3503567
Posted By: Stu
15-Apr-13 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: What qualities in Thatcher do you admire
Subject: RE: BS: What qualities in Thatcher do you admire
"The policies that were the corner-stones of her government are all still in place today and they have been adopted in other EU countries."

That's not a legacy worth bragging about. These policies, continued by the tories and New Labour have culminated in the appalling state of affairs in the UK now. No social housing, young people priced of the property ladder, the destruction of the welfare state, the privatisation of the NHS, the crash of 2009, austerity, increasing inequality in all parts of society, an oligarchy, the stopping of legal aid, the ongoing erosion of workers rights to compete with far-east sweat shops, the bonus culture in business, usury, a complete lack of accountability by big business, the shame of Levenson, the deregulation of banking, a political elite that has never held a real job, the 1%, the paramilitarisation of the police force and their use as a tool to oppress legitimate protest etc etc etc

Not a lot to be proud about there.

Stu that was Sugarfoot Jack