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Thread #150410   Message #3505350
Posted By: Stringsinger
18-Apr-13 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
There are plenty of Americans Ed that are simultaneously preachy and nasty to each other and you, as a perceptive human being, must be able to recognize them by their behavior.

I have mentioned earlier that I can respect people inherently but not for ugly behavior or nonsensical ideas. Would you find it in your heart to respect Hitler or Stalin's behavior?

I respect some Christians, Ed, but not Christianity in itself. I respect science far more.
The history of any religion is fraught with bloodshed, wars, intransigence, rationales for ugly behavior and I don't think you can say that for science which is not a religion.
You might argue that the atomic blasts in Hiroshima or Nagasaki was a product of science but here, the general use of how it was used was not to be respected but as you say a product of ugly behavior. History of Christianity and other religions show that it inculcated nasty behavior by the belief system in ways science never could.

A religion by necessity creates a boundary line between people. You are either this or that.
You are inside or outside and the joke is that there is no evidence for its existence.

What I think can be separated is how a person behaves and what they purport to believe from their intrinsic worth as a human being. This is not relegated to religious "morality" but a basic core value as de Waal points out, that doesn't emanate from the "top down",
Big Daddy in the Sky (which I don't respect) but from the "bottom up", an evolutionary
behavior of compassion and empathy which predates religion which I do respect.

If anything, religion(s) tend to diminish compassion and empathy in many people.

Just as alcohol makes some people violent and aggressive. They are both used as soporifics.

Hence I have little respect for either.