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Thread #150410   Message #3505355
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
18-Apr-13 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Hey, Either you have it or you don't. God does not exist merely because people 'believe' that there is one. Nor does one not exist, because some people haven't got close enough to 'feel' one.
God is NOT a religion, nor is physics null and void, just because you might not know about physics! You aren't going to read a book of physics, and understand all of it, nor are you going to read a 'religious' book, and understand all of it, either.
Having 'knowledge of' and 'knowing' are two different things altogether.
'Having knowledge of' is more of an academic exercise, while 'knowing' entails an experience in which you 'become one with the experience'...and like I posted earlier, but it might have been on one of NINE related threads, you can read about an orgasm..but it doesn't mean that you've experienced one...however, once you do, your perspective, gained only by learning behavior and symptoms goes right out the window....and likewise, those who have not had the experience of either God or an orgasm, sound like fools, trying to tell others that neither one can be. All you are saying is that you have not experienced one or the other, to really know what you are talking about...and to those who HAVE had one of those experiences, all you are saying, you say out of naivete. No matter what pedantic rhetoric you may wish inflict on other people, you really sound like a gaggle of young teenage girls tittering about what you think your first kiss should be like!.....Once one of them get their first orgasm, it changes their whole perspective, from 'theory' to 'practice'. Same can be said about a genuine spiritual experience...and both tend to change lives, forever.
...and like some babbling little school girls, who pretend to 'know it all', and act so self assured, the fact is, they don't know squat about what they titter about. They may have been frightened off from being intimate with a man, because they got the wrong impression, from a jerk....same with might have been 'put off' by some cleric, or group of other 'titterers' who said one thing, but really didn't know what they were talking about, by practice....and so that just re-enforces one's disbelief, that anything is 'out there' besides your limited understanding coupled with your doesn't mean that you've experienced the depth of the human existence, it just means you haven't got laid..either physically or spiritually!
So you make up all these excuses, as to 'why' getting laid is either bad, or not that big of a deal, or having a genuine spiritual experience is either a delusion, or it doesn't exist...and in reality, what doesn't exist, is yourself in that experience....and then we have to sit through these semi-literate diatribes, by naive blathers, who have not even had that part of their brains 'lit up'...and yet feel compelled to tell us others, how their limited consciousness is all that exists...for everyone!!!
...and it is so obvious......and hopefully someday, you have that experience (either one or the other), and you flash on what an imbecile sounds like!!...and to make matters heard it from your own lips!