The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150450   Message #3505499
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Apr-13 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obsession with being 'right'
Subject: RE: BS: Obsession with being 'right'
I think that for most things worthy of discussion, there is no right or wrong. The answers, such as they are, lie somewhere in the balance of varying factors and perspectives. The more perspectives we bring into the balance, the closer we can come to a "good" answer (not a right answer). Oftentimes, even seriously flawed perspectives can make major contributions to the balance.

I teach a Bible study every Monday morning, and the participants have become quite sophisticated over the years. They're catching on to the major point I try to get across - that for many questions, the best answer is "both" or "all of the above."

I think most of us would be a lot happier if we gave up seeking to be "right," and chose instead to seek a broader perspective.
