The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150458   Message #3505792
Posted By: Acorn4
19-Apr-13 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dr Andrew Wakefield
Subject: BS: Dr Andrew Wakefield
With the latest news about the measles epidemic in South Wales, the question of the MMR jab take up is in the news again.

Dr Andrew Wakefield has been blamed for this for questioning the safety of the MMR jab. Dr Wakefield never advised parents not to have their children vaccinated against measles but not to have the triple vaccine. Shortly after this the British government of Tony Blair withdrew the option of single vaccines which many parents might have been happy with.

Tony and Cherie Blair refused to say whether their son had had the triple jab on the grounds that it was their personal business. Shortly after this Cherie Blair wrote in a national newspaper how she and Tony often made love five times a night!

Last night there was a programme on mainstream TV with a studio full of parents whose children had had measles but not a single parent of an autistic child. How is that for a balanced debate.

What Dr Wakefield has to say is very interesting:-