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Thread #150463   Message #3506339
Posted By: Don Firth
20-Apr-13 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama to use Executive Orders on Guns
Subject: RE: BS: Obama to use Executive Orders on Guns
I don't think the framers of the Second Amendment could have conceived of anything like THIS!!



Kendall, mandating background checks is not going to keep people from obtaining guns if they feel they really need them. Or hunters, for that matter. It is for the purpose of weeding out those who have already proven that they are dangerous, or who have serious mental problems.

And for self-defense purposes, in most states one can obtain a concealed weapons permit if one has a legitimate reason, such as, say, a wholesale jewelry salesman who, in the course if his work, may have to carry an attaché case full of precious gems. Or a courier with important confidential documents. Or large quantities of cash.

Don Firth