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Thread #150410   Message #3506445
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Apr-13 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
OK..been gone for a while..had to get caught up...
Stringsinger, though the frontal lobe does 'light up' more through various forms of stimuli, it would be preposterous to say that whatever was experienced was a delusion...maybe when other parts of the brain try to analyze it, it may seem delusional, but when the frontal lobe 'analyzes' the rest of the brain, it sees a different picture, which it may interpret as delusional.
You may have had an experience, but unlike a lot of others on here, I'm not about to judge it, whether it was 'delusional' or not. Perhaps the experience was just a taste, and not profoundly rooted...but who can say. Your best bet would be to talk to Seeger, being as you know him, you say...and ask him about what changed his mind, or life or both. I'm not even going to try to 'talk' anyone into anything, regarding this, because, as I've said for years, "If I can talk you into it, something can talk you out of it, including yourself." These experiences are best shared amongst those who have had them, deeply, more than trying to proselytize about them....which ties into another post that said, that Jack said : "I think that you may have mentioned that study about the brain scan to stringsinger before because he used in an an argument to show atheists were superior to religious people because their brains do not light up."
I didn't say anything about one group being 'superior' over another group, HOWEVER, unless someone has had those experiences, all of them, if possible, that I don't think they can speak with any understanding about it....they just DON'T know. In other words, if you say you believe in science, but the part of your brain that processes data scientifically doesn't work, or hasn't been required to analyze data that way, don't you think that you'd be working with an incredible 'blind spot'?? ....Data that is processed in the frontal lobes, go to the frontal lobes, because other parts of the brain are not developed to process it. Simple as that.
Back to Stringsinger, the tests that were done were with (one group)psilocybin, (one group) meditating, (one group)atheists, and Music, (as per aforementioned). THOSE lit up the frontal lobe..once you've experienced that, you CAN utilize what you experienced into your creative side...but using your creative side to talk yourself out of what your has experienced otherwise, would seem to say that you might be 'double-minded' about various things in your life, which tends to hold people back...rather than drawing from the whole experience....wouldn't you say?
One more point, as long as I'm trying to cover a bunch, Stim posted:
"Non-belief in God is not a religion, but lots of religions don't believe in a god, or in any gods. You can look it up if you don't believe me."
I agree with that wholeheartedly...and for those who keep citing the Crusades and Inquisition, those were done by 'governments' kingdoms, if you will, who co-opted the Christian faith, IE, The Holy Roman Empire...the same Holy Roman Empire that made it a crime to have or read a Bible without the 'correct' interpretation by a 'priest'. This had nothing whatsoever to do with the teachings of Jesus, nor having a 'spiritual awakening'. This was about one group co-opting another group, and pretending that they were all one.....sorta like what the Democratic Party did with the 'Peace Movement' of the 60's....and some still don't see it, but in fact, that is what happened.


P.S. by the way, isn't it the same bigotry, to discriminate against blacks, because of their skin color, as it is to discriminate against someone because of their religion?? in Race, CREED, and Color??????
Yikes! the hypocrites or losing their sparkly camouflage!!