The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150410   Message #3506582
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-Apr-13 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
That's been posted before. I'm sorry to hear that religion has certitudes. Rather than long for such things, atheists recoil from the disgusting idea. Certitude is, in one word, everything that's wrong with religion. The people of faith who deserve respect are the ones who disdain certitude. All the rest are deluded. I'm not bothered about people who harbour certitude quietly inside themselves. I am bothered by people who try to force certitude on others when they have no evidence for it. The main victims of that are children. As for inner demons, most of us sleep peacefully and harbour no such things. Accusing atheists of having demons is just another frustrated ploy to, er, demonise us (as is saying that atheists are cut from the same cloth as religious nutcases). And Dick Cheney versus Mother Teresa? Cor,that's a close call. Let's predicate the decision on which of them caused most grief to most people. Still a tough one, but Mother Teresa wins by a short head.