The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150410   Message #3507045
Posted By: Stringsinger
22-Apr-13 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
'I've tried to keep personalities out of this discussion. I think I've covered everything that I've had to say. I think it's delusional and futile for me to continue to argue about something that isn't there.

If I have hurt anyone's feelings, I apologize for that, though I am convinced more than ever that this discussion needs to continue. Dawkins will continue in spite of being slandered
by prejudice and ignorance. That has been the pattern of religious people for as long as there has been a history.

I give up. The dialogue has deteriorated to name calling and denigration of ideas.
No more from me on this issue except to say that because of the nastiness on the part of some here, I am more convinced that Dawkins is right.