The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28285   Message #350737
Posted By: Micca
03-Dec-00 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - December 3, 2000
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - December 3, 2000
Cap'n Bob, I am so sorry for your sadness,
I spent Yesterday at the funeral of a guy I worked with who was knocked off his bike on his way home from work a couple of weeks ago by a careless driver, We have been deprived of a fine musician, and a repairer of fiddles, a friend, father and husband.
A church with 300+ was a great tribute, and the wake in the pub with music and singing was splendid, but no substitute for the man. I am beginning to wonder if the definitive thing about growing olderis that a black necktie becomes a permanent part of ones wardrobe.
Heres to you Jeff Giddings where ever you are
from Micca feeling a great sadness for all these untimely deaths and for those left to grieve in this, the darkest time of the year.
" we need the comfortof singing voices
until the Dark Time ends