The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150410   Message #3507472
Posted By: GUEST,Musket sans reality check
23-Apr-13 - 02:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
On balance I'd rather try and understand Goofus and debate his tangents than see where Sailor Jack is coming from.

Stealing, murdering, coveting your neighbour' arse or whatever are not the exclusive domain of man made constructs such as the God delusion. They are conscious examples of the seemingly built in altruism of sentient beings.

I don't see ants going to church yet their society functions on similar lines.

Sin is a term that can be used by everyone. You don't need hangups about fantasy to either know what is right nor indeed to transgress basic values.

Sailor boy's comment that atheist children aren't perfect is not only missing the point but possibly missing it on purpose. Maybe his way of conceding a point.

Of course, all children are atheist. ...