The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150410   Message #3508580
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
25-Apr-13 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Non-belief in a god is not a religion
"Oh. Salty Jack says atheism is an organisation because Dawkins says so.

Jack is religious therefore supports suicide bombing, genital mutilation and allowing priests to abuse children.

Zzzzzzzz "

Sorry to bore you old bean. You can stop talking to me whenever you want you know. And you have to realize that I am generally talking about you rather than to you. And you have to realize that is because you keep saying that you are taking the piss and that you think it is OK to lie about this topic.

But I really didn't realize you had set me a goal of amusing you. I also didn't realize that we were using the Mather Blather Dictionary of Unique to Blather Idiosyncratic Definitions.

You post above kind of ties this thread into a neat bow. Doesn't it? Also the one about needing to be right. I guess when you are only "taking the piss" and you "don't have to think before you post" and you can change the definitions of key terms at will, you can always be right. In you own mind you are right anyway. I guess luckily for you at least have Ian to agree with you.